Configuration Settings: BIM Models (KB-AP048)
The content below details all fields needed for this Datasource type and some common configuration settings to help you get started. To go back to the list of available Datasource types, click here.
Remember, to see the fields below, you will need to go to your Datasource and click the Synchronize Structure button.
Root Level
Layer Group
Select one of the predetermined layer groups (made at the team level). By default, all child notes inherit all settings from the parent node - if anything is set at the Root level, all models within the root will be set the same way.
"Use Local Coordinate System" Switch
Enable this toggle if you intend to use a site coordinate system (xyz) on a mobile device. Note: Selecting this will disable the Elevation Type and Vertical Datum fields.
Select Color
Select from preset colors or customize your own from the colour palette controls.
"Enable Floor Splitting" Switch
This optional feature can organize the datasource by floors (if applicable) but can also be used to isolate levels of a datasource that is relatively large in file size. This is great for users using older model hardware. To learn more: click here.
Model Level
Layer Group
Select one of the predetermined layer groups (made at the team level). By default, all child nodes inherit all settings from the parent node - if anything is set at the Root level, all models within the root will be set the same way.
This editable field name defaults to the name of the element in the original dataset (Model/Folder, Category). The header can be seen when pointed at using the vSite AR mobile app.
Object Type
This field should remain untouched as it could lead to configuration issues. It can however be used to verify which object type has been uploaded (Point, Line, Area, 3D Model, or Unknown).
Select Color
Select from preset colors or customize your own from the colour palette controls.
Object Configuration
Coordinate System Type
There are three options:
Global: Provide the projection system and vertical datum (with its unit of measure) for admins to match with the original dataset location. Don't forget to use the Check Location button at the top of this section to verify your coordinate system location.
Manual: Enter the vertical datum and unit of measure for the dataset. These additional fields will appear below to complete the manual coordinate process: Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, Pitch, Roll, and Yaw.
Local: No extra fields will appear, instead you are using preferred xyz coordinates that users can apply to a datasource.
"Enable double-sided surfaces" switch
This feature is primarily used for datasets with double-sided renderings and is advised to be left disabled unless absolutely necessary. The performance of hardware used in the vGIS app will drop so this should only be used where applicable. To read more, click here.
"Enable model interactions" switch
Enables the physics engine behind the model and its categories within so users can interact with its data. When OFF, the selected model cannot be interacted with and can only be viewed within the mobile app. This will relieve processing power for your device if it slows down while operating the mobile app.
"Extend viewing range" switch
The viewing range tells the mobile application how much data should be in-view at one time. When this switch is toggled ON, it will force the model to always be visible up to a max distance of 5km from the user. This should only be used in circumstances where users need to see a far-distance model (like a bridge or far-away building). Enabling this may significantly affect the user's hardware performance.
Additional Details
"Exclude from processing" Switch
When toggled, the selected model (and ALL categories within) will not be included while admins process the datasource. One method to break down a large datasource and decrease loading times is to use this switch.
"Enable floor splitting" Switch
When the same switch is toggled at the Root level (see above), enabling the switch at the layer folder level will open a list with drop-down boxes. Admins can assign the predetermined floors to each layer folder.
Elevation Type
At the layer folder level, there are four options:
- Use Parent Node Setting - Takes configuration settings made at the Root level (see above).
- Default - Allows the system to recognize if the data set is z-enabled or not. If z-enabled, the base for the elevation calculations will refer to the sea level and its corresponding vertical datum. If not, it will count as Surface offset.
- Surface offset - Refers to the selected digital surface as the base for the elevation calculations.
- Ignore z-value - Ignores z-values within the data set.
"Use ifcStorey Mapping" Switch
When using .ifc files, enable this switch if the specs of the original model have predefined floors. This will link with the vGIS floor-splitting function at the team level.
Category Level
Layer Group
Select one of the predetermined layer groups (made at the team level). By default, all child notes inherit all settings from the parent node - if anything is set at the model level, all categories within the model will be set similar way.
This field, while editable, is generally preset with the header from the original dataset. The header can be seen when pointed at using the vSite AR mobile app.
Select Color
Select from preset colors or customize your own from the colour palette controls.
"Exclude from processing" Switch
When the same switch is toggled at the Root level (see above), enabling the switch at the model level will open a list with drop-down boxes. Admins can assign the predetermined floors to each layer folder.
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Reviewed: 2024-09-17