Configuration Settings: Shapefiles (KB-AP052)
The content below details all fields needed for this Datasource type and some common configuration settings to help you get started. To go back to the list of available Datasource types, click here.
Remember, to see the fields below, you will need to go to your Datasource and click the Synchronize Structure button.
Root Level
Layer Group
Select one of the predetermined layer groups (made at the team level). By default, all child notes inherit all settings from the parent node - if anything is set at the Root level, all models within the root will be set the same way.
Vertical Datum and UoM
Use the drop-down to select a preset datum that closely matches your project specifications. Skipping this step could result in your datasource layers being stacked on a flat surface when viewing in the app (if you don't see the vertical datum you need, open a ticket with vGIS Support to make your request).
*Important Update (as of Oct 2024): It has been noticed that "sft" as a UoM for Shapefiles using NAVD88 vertical datum is usually the correct option if you notice your expected UoM does not place the model at the correct elevation.
Default Depth/ Elevation & UoM (Unit of Measure)
Setting this will position your data along its z-axis. A negative number will display data below ground level.
Select Color
Select from preset colors or customize your own from the colour palette controls.
Category Level
Layer Group
Select one of the predetermined layer groups (made at the team level). By default, all child notes inherit all settings from the parent node - if anything is set at the model level, all categories within the model will be set similar way.
This field, while editable, is generally preset with the header from the original dataset. The header can be seen when pointed at using the vGIS mobile app.
Select Color
Select from preset colors or customize your own from the colour palette controls.
Object Type
This field should remain untouched as it could lead to configuration issues. It can however be used to verify which object type has been uploaded (Point, Line, Area, 3D Model, or Unknown).
When applicable, use this dropdown to add more descriptive content to the selected layer (options; color, id, layer name, and type).
Object Configuration
These fields are normally preset from the original dataset but can be used to modify or configure fine details of a selected layer (Note: unit of measure will be asked for all measurements).
Line Objects
Object Subtypes; Pipe, Line
Fields: Default depth/ elevation. diameter, diameter field (Line subtypes also have adjustments for height and width).
Point Objects
Object Subtypes; Prisms, Pyramids, Rectangle, Rhombus, Sphere, Half-Sphere.
Fields: Default depth/elevation, height, width, underground connector depth
Area Objects
Fields: Default depth/elevation, height, width
Additional Details
Subtype Field
This field will only populate with the distinct values within the original dataset.
Label Type
This field will help identify elements with digital markers flags, or floating text (Note: as more labels become visible, the processing demands increase for the device used).
Elevation Type
At the layer folder level, there are four options:
- Use Parent Node Setting - Takes configuration settings made at the Root level (see above).
- Default - Allows the system to recognize if the data set is z-enabled or not. If z-enabled, the base for the elevation calculations will refer to the sea level and its corresponding vertical datum. If not, it will count as Surface offset.
- Surface offset - Refers to the selected digital surface as the base for the elevation calculations.
- Ignore z-value - Ignores z-values within the data set.
External ID field (Coming Soon!)
When complete, users will be able to hyperlink elements from an external database.
Infocard Image
An optional feature to include an external image that will be displayed when an asset has been selected in the AR application.
"Exclude from processing" Switch
When the same switch is toggled at the Root level (see above), enabling the switch at the model level will open a list with drop-down boxes. Admins can assign the predetermined floors to each layer folder.
Have Questions? Feel free to Submit A Request to speak with a member of the vGIS Support Team.
Reviewed: 2024-10-24