vGIS Portal - Adding A Base Map (KB-AP027)
To add a base map, first access the vGIS Admin Portal. From there, you can access Components to add the map and make it available for your app users. Next, you will need to select the map from the base map selector in the vSite AR Menu.
Base Map Upload Process:
Admin Portal
Access the Components tab from the side menu
Select the Base maps sub-tab and click on the Add base map button
Complete the following fields and click Add
Add an identifier for the map
- Add a name for the map
- Select a map type
Choose a security type from the drop-down menu
Add the surface model URL
vSite AR Application
To use the feature in the vGIS AR app you will need the latest version of the app on your device(s).
When in the app, access the Menu
Then tap on Options
And tap on the System tab
- Select the Maps option and choose your base map
Supported Services
vSite supports three services for custom elevation maps:
- ArcGIS Map Services
Have Questions? Feel free to Submit A Request to speak with a member of the vGIS Support Team.
Reviewed: 2024-11-15