Mixed Reality: Viewing Data in the "3D Map" View (KB-MR002)
The following feature is exclusively for MR (Mixed Reality) headsets, specifically:
"3D Map" will assist in giving users a different perspective to view data and how their physical location can be viewed when jumping into the digital space.
Once selected, you will notice a "3D Stage" appear with a red figure symbolizing the user and the direction they are facing using a pink beam representing their line of sight.
Here is a breakdown of the options giving to the user:
Scene: Hides or Reveals the 3D models from AR in the background (outside of the 3D map stage).
Options (options below):
- Map Provider: Switch between Base Maps.
- GIS Projection Switch: Hide/Reveal the GIS elements from the 3D stage.
- Auto 3D Structures Switch: Keeps 3D models on the platform.
- Landscape Switch: Turns on/ off the DTM elevation when comparing model elevation
Zoom In/ Out: Adjust viewing perspective.
Recenter: As the user/ device moves, the red character moves as well. You can tap Recenter to return the red figure to the center of the table.
Transparency: Use the slider to adjust for transparency on the map.
Lift Map: Moves the map along the z axis.
Adjust: Like the traditional adjust function, users can move the models along a horizontal plane.
Close: Returns user to the main MR environment.
Have Questions? Feel free to Submit A Request to speak with a member of the vGIS Support Team.
Reviewed: 2024-06-27