Quick Fix: Unassigned Elements (KB-AP063)
After Synchronizing a Native BIM file's structure, all layers within a dataset show "Unassigned". This is particularly more common with much larger, complex 3D models that is uploaded directly into the portal.
Quick Fix
There are two outcomes:
- The file may not be fully synchronized; wait 5-10 mins before clicking Synchronize Structure again (Note: File size and complexity of layers will affect the wait time before synchronization).
- If the wait time exceeds 10 mins with no activity, the model may have hundreds of layers structured over 6 subcategories in the model and therefore exceeds vSite limits and must be configured this way if there are no alternate replacement file. There are also assumptions the file structure may contain graphical elements instead of physical elements.
The parsing mechanic for Native BIM files works with a standard configuration that best suits the needs of the worker on the field. vSite can parse up to 6 subcategories of layers, exceeding that assumes there are redundant levels that the system cannot get though. vSite must also upload specific BIM-qualified elements used for construction modelling. Physical elements are applicable here whereas graphical elements are rejected during synchronization. In these uncommon instances when graphical elements are present, layers may show as Unassigned in the Admin Portal.
Additional Resources
Adding Native BIM Files as Datasources
Configuration Settings: BIM Models
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Reviewed: 2024-10-24