vGIS Portal - Dashboard (KB-AP004)
The Dashboard is a high-level snapshot of the information contained within the vGIS Admin Portal (Fig. 1). It provides an overview of three subcategories: Users, Sources, Data Storage. There is also a reminder tool to maintain and remove outdated elements. You can explore each subcategory in full by selecting the VIEW ALL hyperlink located on the subcategory icon.
Users: The Users allows you to add, view, edit, and remove the profile of any administrator within your company. (See “Managing Admin” for more information) | |
Sources: The Sources subcategory allows you to view, add and remove Datasources from your vGIS database. (See “Data Sources” for more information)
Storage: The Storage subcategory allows you to retrieve a breakdown of a selected Team/ Project (Fig. 2). Details included; Image/ Videos, Reality Capture, and Data Sources (both linked and local files). | |
Cleanup: This menu, when opened, will highlight inactive users, teams without assigned sources, and sources without assigned teams (Fig. 3). |
The chart on the Dashboard (Fig. 1) will show your company/ team's activity based on unique sessions and users during the time frame specified by the dropdown in the chart's top-right corner.
vGIS Workflow Steps And Admin Onboarding Video
On the right-hand side of the Dashboard (Fig. 1), there will be the main steps of the vGIS AR workflow. Each step has a link that will bring you to the respected area. The main steps are; Adding a Datasource, Configuring that Datasource, Adding Datasource to a Team, and Adding Users.
Below these steps is a link to an Admin Onboarding video that can be viewed at any time to get a refresh on the process. We highly encourage new admins to review this video during initial onboarding.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
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Reviewed: 2024-07-12