vGIS Portal - Account Setup (KB-AP003)
New accounts can be created by an existing company administrator in the vGIS Admin Portal. Company administrators and the vGIS support team require your full name and a valid email address to add you to the system.
Once your account is created, you will receive an email providing the necessary instructions to log in and create a password. Click the link provided to activate your vGIS account.
Your web browser will open and display a vGIS portal screen (Fig. 1). Create your new password and confirm it before selecting Set Password.
Please note: Your password must be at least 6 characters long.
Once your password has been confirmed, select Back to Login. Enter your email and password and select Sign In.
You will now have access to the vGIS Admin Portal. After logging in, you will be taken to your Dashboard home screen.
Pro Tip: All accounts made to access the Admin Portal can also access vSite.