Activating Your vGIS AR Account (KB-AM001)
The following instructions detail the process for activating a new App User account. Before proceeding, the vGIS AR application must be installed on the mobile device or HoloLens that is to be activated. The company admin must also make sure the user in question has been registered in the Users section of the Admin Portal.
When a user gets the confirmation that an admin registered their email, they can open the vGIS AR application. At the login screen, users will enter their email and tap the Email Me a Login Link button. Within minutes, an email will be sent with the activation link to create a password. Note: The activation email will expire after 24 hours.
Forgot Password?
If the code is expired or any user forgets their password, they will have to tap Use Password to reveal the Password Reset button. Verify the email and tap to resend an activation email.