Field/ Issue Reports in AR (KB-AM011)
vGIS allows users to report discrepancies found between the GIS/BIM data and the real world. Upon completion, the report is sent to the company administrator(s) in real-time.
To access Field/ Issue Reporting, select the Tools button, and from there you can access reports (Fig. 1).
The report sequence will open to a device camera view of the augmented reality environment. From this screen, the user can capture a short video of up to 10 seconds, take a photo, or close the report sequence (Fig. 2).
Once a video or photo has been taken, the user will have the option to either retake the image/video, Send, or Exit.
After documenting the discrepancy, the user will have the option to link the report to an AR object, add a voice note or type a comment (Fig. 3).
To add a voice note, press the Add Voice button. Press the microphone icon in the center of the screen to start recording. The user may pause and resume the recording as needed. Once done, press the Stop button (Fig. 4).
To add a comment, tap the comment section and type in a text note.
Once done, press the Submit button.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4