Adding a Shapefile Datasource (KB-AP030)
To add a Shapefile data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source.
Shapefile Upload Process:
- Select Shapefiles from the Type drop-down box.
- Press the Select file button.
- Choose the Shapefiles .zip folder from the file browser.
- Press the Save button to continue.
You will receive a message at the bottom of your screen notifying you that your data source was created. You should now be able to locate this data source on the Data Sources page.
Shapefiles Requirements
- Include .shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj files for each layer.
- Place all files in a single folder.
- Compress files into a single ZIP archive (no subfolders).
Have Questions? Feel free to Submit A Request to speak with a member of the vGIS Support Team.
Reviewed: 2024-12-11