vGIS Admin Portal
Quick Fix: Unassigned Elements (KB-AP063)
Issue After Synchronizing a Native BIM file's structure, all layers within a dataset show "Unassigned". This is particularly more common with much larger, complex 3D models that is uploaded directly into the portal. Quick Fix There are two outcom...
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Configuration Templates and Favorites (KB-AP062)
Admins now have the ability to decrease the time spent during the configuration stage of uploading a datasource using Templates and Favorites. BIM and 3D Model sources utilize Favorites, where GIS data can utilize both Favorites and Templates. Dif...
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Quick Fix: Misplaced/ Broken Georeferenced Models (KB-AP061)
Issue After entering EPSG and vertical datum, processed models are still appearing in the wrong location or broken. Both EPSG and Vertical Datum have been confirmed and vetted. Quick Fix Check Unit of Measure (default is meters). If it was manuall...
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Creating a Custom Coordinate System (KB-AP059)
Overview In cases where you cannot retrieve an EPSG to accurately place a georeferenced model, there are additional steps to build a customized Coordinate System that can fit to your specific needs. It is important to come prepared with two sets o...
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Setting a Default Coordinate System (KB-AP060)
vGIS Administrators can enhance workflow efficiencies by setting a default coordinate system so every configuration starts with an organizations standard settings. By default, vGIS leaves EPSG blank and uses a default vertical datum of EGM2008. Th...
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Configuration Settings: LandXML Files (KB-AP058)
The content below details all fields needed for this Datasource type and some common configuration settings to help you get started. To go back to the list of available Datasource types, click here. Remember, to see the fields below, you will need...
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Adding a LandXML Datasource (KB-AP057)
To add a LandXML data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively, you can go to the Data Source menu then click Add Source at the top left. Adding a LandXML Data Sourc...
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Making Adjustments to Vertical Datum (KB-AP056)
When a datasource is synchronized into the vGIS Portal, the vertical datum used will be automatically detected. Notice the various locations of the vertical datum field (Fig. 1-2). To overwrite the default Vertical Datum, these steps must be foll...
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Adding A Simple 3D Model Data Source (KB-AP033)
To add a Simple 3D data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. Simple 3D Upload Process...
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Updating Your Datasource (KB-AP041)
Administrators can update datasources after they have been created. Use the table below to understand what can be updated and how. Field Can Be Updated? Notes Identifier No Datasource must be deleted and recreated Company/Team No Datasour...
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Datasource Security Options - Visibility Settings (KB-AP040)
When importing or editing a Datasource, Company Administrators can select different levels of visibility to address project needs around data sharing and security. Visibility levels explained: Setting Managed By Accessed By When to Use Anyon...
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Adding Vector Data (DWG/DXF) as Datasource (KB-AP044)
vGIS supports DWG and DXF with vector data (in addition to 3D solids). To add a DWG or DXF file: Click "+" and select Datasource or Add Source from the Datasources page. Fill in the Description field. It will automatically fill the Identifier fie...
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API Key Location (KB-AP045)
The API Key generator can be used to create a unique token to share with selected users or services, to securely view the contents of the company dataset(s) and information. As shown in the screenshot below, navigate to the Company Tab and scrol...
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Adding a Pix4D Cloud Datasource (KB-AP038)
To add a Pix4D Cloud data source, click on the global '+' sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. Pix4D Cloud Upload Pro...
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Adding a Shapefile Datasource (KB-AP030)
To add a Shapefile data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. Shapefile Upload Process...
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Viewing Data Remotely (KB-AP037)
In addition to displaying AR visuals that match the physical world, you can also use the vSite AR app to check your data remotely, (e.g., visualize a remote site from the office). Setting a Bookmark (Admins) Find the coordinates of the location ...
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Components (KB-AP036)
The components section of the Admin Portal will act as a centralized repository outside of the traditional data source tab. In this section of the Admin Portal, you will be able to add, view, edit, and remove any of the following: Layer Groups Fl...
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Managing Teams & Projects (KB-AP035)
The vSite system allows administrators to set up multiple teams or projects to better manage field operations, user permissions, and the collection of data. A company can have an unlimited number of teams or projects. Company administrators can a...
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Configuration By Object Type (KB-AP034)
By configuring your object layers, you choose how objects appear in vGIS AR and vSite. There are four different object types, each of them with specific configuration fields: 3D model Areas Lines Points Configuring Area Objects Areas can...
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Elevation Settings (KB-AP031)
Elevation settings are key to configuring your data, these will be the base of where your objects are placed in the digital space. Incorrect elevation settings can result in your visuals looking oddly scaled or missing in the vGIS app. The first s...
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Adding a Datasource into the Admin Portal (KB-AP029)
vGIS is designed to aggregate data from multiple sources and formats, including automated Autodesk and Bentley BIM repositories, Esri ArcGIS, and others. The system can display 3D models as accurate to-scale holograms. It can also convert traditio...
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Adding A Project From Autodesk Construction Cloud/ Autodesk Build (KB-AP028)
To add a Autodesk Build data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. Upload Process: Se...
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vGIS Portal - Adding A Base Map (KB-AP027)
To add a base map, first access the vGIS Admin Portal. From there, you can access Components to add the map and make it available for your app users. Next, you will need to select the map from the base map selector in the vSite AR Menu. Base Map ...
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Configuring 3D Object Type (KB-AP025)
vGIS can upload complex 3D models, such as buildings and cut-and-fill models, into its AR environment. 3D Model objects will keep the visual configuration from its source and does not need further configuration settings in the Admin Portal. Please...
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Recommended Elevation Settings - Admin Portal (KB-AP024)
Elevation settings are one of the key items you need to address when configuring your data. In order to optimize vSite' AR visuals for your end users, you will need to know if your data is z-enabled. Once you know if your data contains elevation v...
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Adding A WFS Datasource (KB-AP023)
To add a WFS data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. WFS Upload Process: Select WF...
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Adding Native BIM Files as Datasources (KB-AP022)
Adding a BIM file as a Datasource: vGIS supports the following Native BIM formats: DWG, DXF, IFC, RVT, and NWD. Civil 3D, Revit and Navisworks files are best supported with vGIS Plugins. Navigate to the Data Source tab and click Add Source. Alt...
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Adding a Bentley iTwin Datasource (KB-AP021)
To add a Bentley iTwin data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Adding a Bentley iTwin as a data source Select 'Bentley iTwin' from the Type drop-down box. Next, enter the p...
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Adding A KML Datasource (KB-AP020)
To add a KML data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively, you can go to the Data Source menu then click Add Source at the top left. Adding a KML Data Source: Sele...
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Adding An ArcGIS Scene Service (KB-AP019)
To add an ArcGIS Scene service data source, click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Data Source option. Alternatively you can go to the Data Source tab of the Admin Portal and click Add Source. ArcGIS Scene...
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