Date: 2019-02-25
Availability: Immediate (Google Play, iTunes and Windows Store);
- Android - Version 1.11.0
- HoloLens - Version 2.11.0
- iOS - Version 2.7.0
Type: Scheduled Release
Key Features
- Mobile - One device assigned to several teams within the same company
- Mobile - Placemark selector for calibration purposes
- Mobile - New visuals, including transparency settings
- Mobile - Improved landscape handling, including the "Ignore Z-Value" functionality
- Mobile - GNSS integration improvements
- Mobile - Inforcard header override
- Mobile - New manhole types
- Mobile - New label types
- Admin portal - Additional visual configuration capabilities
- Admin portal - Simplified label configuration
- Admin portal - Improved User Experience
- Back-end - Bentley integration Alpha release
- Back-end - Improved ArcGIS integration, including alias handling
Bug Fixes
- 30+ bug fixes and improvements
Additional Notes