Creating a Custom Coordinate System (KB-AP059)
In cases where you cannot retrieve an EPSG to accurately place a georeferenced model, there are additional steps to build a customized Coordinate System that can fit to your specific needs. It is important to come prepared with two sets of points, ones from the model itself and a matching global coordinate (lat/long) point for each entry. The steps below will outline the process:
Process and Application
- Click Components from the Admin Portal.
- Navigate to the Coordinate System tab.
- Click Add Coordinate System. (Note: Saved coordinate systems will appear here when done)
- Name the new system (Identifier will pick up applicable characters.
- Set the Visibility level for the new system.
- Specify Unit of Measure. This should match the UoM used in the model's original design.
- Specify two matching Elevation points. The default elevation is in WGS84.
- Using the remaining Point fields (1-4), Enter XY coordinates from the original model on the left, and match them with actual latitude/longitude global coordinates on the right. This tells the system where the XY points are in physical space.
- Click Save when done.
This new Coordinate System will now be accessible during configuration. In the Coordinate System dropdown, you should now see the name of your new entry as one of the options.
Have Questions? Feel free to Submit A Request to speak with a member of the vGIS Support Team.
Reviewed: 2024-07-19