vGIS Portal - Managing Layers (KB-AP010)
Layer Groups organize objects from data sources into groups.
The Layer Groups tab on the Components page allow you to view, add, edit, and delete layers depending on the project. You can view the details of a Layer Group by selecting a layer from the table (Fig. 1).
Adding Layers
To add a new layer group:
- Click on the global "+" sign on the top left corner of the portal and select the Layer Group option. Alternatively, you can click the "Add Layer Group" button on the Layer Groups tab of the Components page.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name - the label that will appear in the vGIS app (mandatory).
- Identifier - any unique value to name the layer. The identifier will be automatically assigned as the Layer Group name. You can overwrite the value to choose a different identifier.
- Color - an optional item to make the layer stand out visually in the vGIS app.
- Category - optional field that assigns the layer to a category folder.
- Click Add to finish.
Editing Layers from the Database
Layers can be edited by accessing the Layer Groups tab on the Components page and selecting the layer to edit.
Removing Layers from the Database
A layer can be removed from the database by pressing the "Delete" icon that is next to the layer name.
Important: Removing a layer from your vGIS account can affect the mapping of your configured data sources. Objects that are assigned to a deleted layer will no longer be viewable in the vGIS system until they are assigned to a viewable layer.
Searching Layers
You can find a specific layer from the layer list by using the Search Bar located next to the Add Layer Group button. The search bar uses a free-form search algorithm that allows you to find the desired device by typing in a part of its name.
The Layers database can also be sorted by clicking on the headers. This will arrange the device list by the selected header in either ascending or descending order.
Fig. 2
Enabling Layer Groups for a Team/Project
Enable/Disable - Click the icon in this section to rotate between the X and checkmark. When the X is showing, the layer will be disabled and unable to be selected in the AR application. The green *checkmark* means the layer will be visible in the AR application. Clicking the Synchronize symbol in the column header will automatically add all relevant layers based on the datasources added to the team.
Show/Hide - The eye symbol in the Visible column controls whether a layer is loaded when the application starts. In some instances, when data load may slow down the user, you may want to make the layer invisible on load.
Change Sorting - Click and drag the 6-circled button to rearrange all visible layers on the screen.
Edit Display Name - Click this section to change the Layer Group aliases - the users will see this value as the Layer name in vGIS AR app.
Remember to Save when changes are made.
Fig. 3