• Quick Fix: Reality Capture Scans are Showing in the Wrong Location (KB-AM022) plus-icon minus-icon

    Issue When reviewing an uploaded scan in the vGIS Portal, the location is off (even if the scan was scanned at the right location previously). Quick Fix In order for the scans to appear correctly, follow these steps: Connect your GNSS receiver Ma...
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  • Quick Fix: vSite AR Continuous Loading Screen (KB-AM021) plus-icon minus-icon

    Issue When opening the vSite AR application, users are welcomed with a never-ending loading screen. There can be two possibilities: The internet connection is blocked (or a VPN is blocking vGIS) There might be an issue with the app permissions (e...
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  • AR Tools: Sketch and Measure (KB-AM020) plus-icon minus-icon

      Overview Sketch and Measure is a valuable Tool in AR that can help add more context to what you're trying to see in augmented reality. Users can apply sketches of lines, points, and polygons to create digital imagery that can be used to communic...
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  • Setting GNSS Offsets (KB-AM019) plus-icon minus-icon

    vGIS supports a wide variety of GNSS receivers, devices and antenna mounts. Each configuration places the GNSS antenna differently relative to the device’s camera, which introduces distortions in Augmented Reality. vSite AR features GNSS offsets t...
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  • How To Take A Reality Capture (KB-AM018) plus-icon minus-icon

    vGIS’ reality capture technology uses a variety of technical means to capture a digital 3D model of an object, objects or surface from the real world. Our solution either uses LiDAR or photogrammetry technology to reconstruct a 3D image using geor...
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  • Activating Your vSite AR Account (KB-AM001) plus-icon minus-icon

    The following instructions detail the process for activating a new App User account. Before proceeding, the vSite AR application must be installed on the mobile device or HoloLens that is to be activated. The company admin must also make sure the...
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  • Team/Project Selection - vSite AR (KB-AM002) plus-icon minus-icon

    vSite allows companies to have multiple divisions or groups to better manage field operations, user permissions, and the collection of data. These groupings are called Teams/ Projects.  If a user belongs to multiple teams or projects, the user wi...
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  • vSite AR: Map View (KB-AM007) plus-icon minus-icon

    By default, once the user has selected their company, team, or project the aerial map will appear (Fig. 1). The user can change the default start screen from the map view to the AR mode from the options page (See Options). The Map View screen can...
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  • Main User Interface: A Detailed Guide (UI) (KB-AM005) plus-icon minus-icon

    Once in the augmented reality view, users will be able to view 3D holographic overlays of BIM and GIS data that have been superimposed over their device’s real-world view (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 The infrastructure around you will be shown in full 3D. O...
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  • AR Calibration (KB-AM003) plus-icon minus-icon

    Calibrating a device will enable users to set their location and direction with high accuracy within the vSite AR environment. The calibration screen can be accessed in two ways. The first, shows up before entering the AR mode (headset icon) for t...
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  • Calibration Adjustments (KB-AM004) plus-icon minus-icon

    AR View To enter the calibration adjustment mode tap the Adjust button at the bottom of the screen (Fig. 1). Swiping your finger on the Slide Scale slider will change your elevation with respect to the model. This will allow you to raise or lower ...
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  • Viewing Object Details - Information Cards (KB-AM006) plus-icon minus-icon

    Pointing the cross-hair at an object in the AR View brings up a call-out bubble, which reveals the high level information about the object, such as its type. To display additional details either tap the object (both in the first-person view and on...
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  • VSite AR: Main Menu (KB-AM008) plus-icon minus-icon

    The main menu provides a primary list of functions and settings that are available to the app user using vSite AR. To access the main menu, tap on the bottom left button as shown in Fig. 1. This button is available in both overhead and AR view, bu...
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  • Teams/Projects in vSite AR (KB-AM009) plus-icon minus-icon

    vSite enables you to work on behalf of teams/projects within your organization. Administrators can also breakdown a company profile into multiple teams  or projects, with their own Team Admins assigned to them. It's a great way to decentralize op...
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  • Layers (KB-AM010) plus-icon minus-icon

    A layer is an object group that has been configured by a company administrator to optimize the visualizations for different user types. By selecting Layers from the AR action bar (Fig. 1), the users can choose which layers they can visualize by ei...
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  • vSite AR: Option Settings (KB-AM015) plus-icon minus-icon

    There are several configurations and preferential settings that are key to operating the vSite AR mobile application (Fig. 1). Fig. 1   GNSS Options Fig. 2.1 The GNSS settings (Fig 2.1) determine the user’s default positioning method.  This sett...
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  • Field/ Issue Reports in AR (KB-AM011) plus-icon minus-icon

    vGIS allows users to report discrepancies found between the GIS/BIM data and the real world. Upon completion, the report is sent to the company administrator(s) in real-time. To access Field/ Issue Reporting, select the Tools button, and from th...
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  • Data Collection: App User (KB-AM016) plus-icon minus-icon

    Data Collection allows users to add objects into the vGIS system while navigating the augmented reality environment. Only Datasources who have been given permission to perform data collection actions will be able to access this feature from the ma...
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  • Recalibrating in vSite AR (KB-AM012) plus-icon minus-icon

    Occasionally, vSite AR will require recalibration. Usually recalibration is needed when: Users move to a new job site A drift in the scene causes objects to become misaligned Travelling extensively between objects (over 30m) Recalibration is an...
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  • Getting Help Within vSite AR (KB-AM014) plus-icon minus-icon

    To access help in vSite AR, open the Main Menu and tap the HELP button (Fig. 1). You will be directed to our help resource for mobile app users. Scroll to the end of the guide for links to contact the vGIS Support Team (Fig. 2).  Fig. 1 Fig. 2...
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  • GNSS/RTK Devices (KB-AM013) plus-icon minus-icon

    vGIS supports external GNSS and RTK devices for added precision. Using vGIS with a GNSS antenna makes for an effortless experience that requires no calibration and guarantees accurate positioning.   GNSS configuration (before using vGIS) First, yo...
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